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Professional Development by an Award-Winning Life Coach
Professional Development
Motivational Speaker
Sales Training
What do you get when you hire Joël Roy as a motivational speaker? First of all, an
award-winning life coach who has spoken in front of hundreds! Next, a unique combination
of public speaker training through Toastmaster's International plus more than 25 years as a
classroom educator. Joël is also the host of his own weekly radio program. The show reaches an average of 350 homes in 14 counties.
Participants benefit from proven communications skills and techniques
based on years of experience, research and study. Joël is passionate, and his examples are
powerful! Participants will enjoy a multi-media presentation filled with practical advice,
supporting examples, and even activities to reinforce themes and illustrations. The
programs are energetic and infused with a great sense of humor. Below are brief
descriptions of ready-to-deliver programs or work with Joël to create a customized
program for your audience.
Video Sample - See Mr. Roy in Action!
We know that making the decision to engage a motivational speaker is a delicate one - how do they come across, really? It's best to see that person in action. Below is an excerpt from a recent motivational talk and his Family Values Award acceptance speech to help you decide.
Nov. 7, 2014
Filmed at the Howard Johnson's Inn, Lexington, VA
As both an entrepreneur and manager, Joël knows that for most people, what happens at home comes to the office. Let's face it, we spend most of our day with our co-workers and what we are dealing with at home has an effect on our work attitude, perceptions, and communication. It has a direct relationship with our morale, outlook, and self-esteem, which can translate into lower performance or even absenteeism. Joël has put together these programs to address the common obstacles we face as a result of dealing with the toll that these struggles can take on our lives.
When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Get Going
This foundational seminar is an intensive and comprehensive look at how to face and overcome a variety of adversities through personal change. It is guaranteed to be both thought-provoking and uplifting at the same time. If you wish to transform the dynamics of your office, production floor, team or organization, this program is a must.
You will learn how to:
Remove the fear of confrontation
Value personal accountability
Handle difficult peopleManage toxic situations
Understand the connection between thoughts and actions
Learn when we should or should not make important decisions
Shape healthy perspectives
Weed out chaos
Establish an effective and healthy communication style
*Available only as a multi-media presentation
How to Develop the Five Must-Have Soft-skills to be a Top Salesperson
Today's sales environment is particularly challenging - cuts in budgets and personnel can stress employee morale, increase tensions which detract from effective communications and customer service. Many in sales have to juggle their relationships with clients, sales support, upper management and operations/production personnel.
This program combines training and education on the crucial soft-skills you need to ride the storm and leverage these relationships. In your training we will cover:
Top survey results of common worries and fears we all share which may obstruct your success
Narrow in on the top six common fears of salespeople
How to fight back! You will learn how to equip yourself mentally and emotionally against negative self-talk
Five primary tools every successful salesperson has in their relationship management or
communications toolkit
*Available as a multi-media presentation or multi-media presentation plus workshop
Between a Rock and a Hard Chair: The Art of Miscommunication
As a foreign national, Joël has a tendency to mix metaphors as suggested in this seminar title. While the title is humorous, the training you'll receive is very serious. This seminar looks specifically at several key aspects of communication and the common pitfalls we all make which create unnecessary drama and chaos in the work environment.
Three common 'poor' communication techniques
Four main styles of communicating
Four unhealthy ways people handle conflict
How to have, instead, a loyal confrontation
Character traits you need to become a great communicator
We will use case studies to illustrate communication styles and techniques.
*Available as a multi-media presentation or multi-media presentation plus workshop
The Making of a True Leader
This presentation is a must for anyone who desires to become a true leader in the workforce as well as in their community. Unlike other programs which talk about the qualities in a leader, what makes this program unique is we address the most common obstacles many people face which keep them from reaching their potential as leaders. We, then, look into the top 4 crucial character traits that true leaders display 24/7! We will cover: Part I: On the Way to Becoming a True Leader: The 10 Hurdles Part II: The Four Most Powerful Cornerstones of Character of True Leaders Because we teach practical life skills for overcoming problems, this makes a great presentation for high schools, colleges, young professional clubs and organizations or businesses to host as part of their leadership development or career development training.
Joël has more than 25 years experience as an educator, more than 20 years experience as an entrepreneur and more than 10 years as a manager. The hotel he manages has consistently high ratings for customer service and friendliness of staff. He credits his skills as an educator and life coach in managing his team while mitigating staff turnover to deliver consistent and long-term results.
*Available as a multi-media presentation
Customized Program
As a motivational speaker, Joël can work directly with your program coordinator to create a customized program within his areas of expertise:
Professional Relationship management
Dealing with Difficult People
Managing Conflict
Achieving Success
Building and Leading Teams
Becoming a Successful Manager
Motivating and Influencing Others
Mr. Roy has owned his own business since 1994 and has been a consistent top sales manager in the hospitality industry for more than 10 years. He credits his success on his interpersonal communications skills to build customer loyalty, strong customer service relations and a positive and friendly staff.
To schedule a program for your staff, management or organization, contact Mr. Roy directly for a consultation. Mr. Roy can also tailor a program to address your organization's or team's needs.
I cannot emphasize how much this man has helped so many people, myself included. He has the gift of really listening and giving steps to truly improve your life. I am happy and blessed to say that he is a part of my life. There are those who talk the talk, but can't walk the walk. Joël Roy most definitely "walks the talk."