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Meeting the French President


On Tuesday Nov. 24th, 2015, I was honored to attend a reception at the French Embassy with about 2,000 other French citizens to hear from and meet President Hollande (pictured left:  President Hollande, left; Joel Roy, right).  He spoke to us to give us all reassurance that, as citizens of France, no matter where we were in the world, we'd have the backing and protection of the French government against terrorism committed by groups such as ISIS.   

Radio Interview - Embassy - with Joel Roy

River Wild:  How to Maneuver through the Rapids of your Marriage

Now on & 1450 WREL Radio


"River Wild:  How to Maneuver through the Rapids of your Marriage" examines the issues of traditional marriages I see in my life coaching program.  As you listen, you will gain insight and understanding into what it takes to improve your marraige by implementing the secrets to commitment, confrontation and communication.  Tune in Saturday mornings from 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. on (96.7 fm if you live in SW or Central VA) and re-aired at 5:00 p.m. on 1450 WREL am station.





Lexington, VA November 7, 2014 -  I Refuse to Lose now offers a seminar series on overcoming adversity through personal change with their seminar series 'Man in the Mirror.'  Participants from all over Virginia, including Richmond, Williamsburg, Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Clifton Forge and more came to the Howard Johnson's Inn, Lexington to hear this multi-media, high energy program. Mr. Roy delivered a passionate and powerful educational, self-help program where he outlines keys to peace and happiness through his own personal journey.  This program will motivate you to discover the mindset and obstacles to your own happiness.  If you did not get a chance to attend, but would like to receive this great teaching, contact us to book this event for your own group, corporate retreat or sales meeting, HR professional development session or church/civic group meeting.  


Press Release March 2014 ~


'The Man in the Mirror' radio broadcast was a wonderful success!  An average of 300-400 homes tuned in each Saturday morning for the five weeks!  If you missed even one of the lessons in this series, we can bring the program to you!  Contact us today!!  It's changing lives for the better.  Said one woman at the grocery store when she recognized Mr. Roy's voice 'I listened to your shows and I've decided to save my marriage!'  How encouraging!  Soon, the program will be ready to go on the road so we are looking for host sites.  There is no charge for the speaker and presentation, just travel expenses. 


If you'd like to help underwrite a broadcast, please contact us today!

Joel recording his latest promo at 3WZ Radio in Lexington, VA
Join us Saturdays for 'Man in the Mirror' now airing!

January 2014


Each Saturday from January 4th to February 1st, tune in at 7:30am on 96.7 3wzFM to listen to my brand new program entitled " The Man In The Mirror". You will learn how to improve your interpersonal relationships and to weed out chaos that causes you STRESS!

'Man in the Mirror'

December 16, 2013


This week, Joel began recording his upcoming talk radio special series called 'Man in the Mirror.'  Said Joel of his first time recording:  "By the time I got to the studio after much rehearsing, I was pretty comfortable so it went well.  I have to give a lot of credit to folks who do this all day long, every day!" 

This feature of 'I Refuse to Lose: Life Coaching' will deliver educational information to listeners for improving their interpersonal relationships. 


The program serves not only as an informative message to the public, but also serves as an introduction to the teaching style of Mr. Roy.  This 30-minute weekly program will run for five successive weeks starting Saturday, January 4th, 2014. 


We hope you will join us weekly or check back here for links to those recordings for your use and edification.  

2013 Family Values Award for Joel Roy

Catherine Roy October 25, 2013


Introducing the 2nd recipient of tonight's award is Alec Roy, son of Joel Roy.  His introduction starts with these comments:  "In 2007, cancer threatened to take my father's life.  He was given 1% chance of survival.  But instead of feeling sorry for himself, he decided to give his life in (we pick up the presentation from here)

I Refuse to Lose Comes to the Radio

Catherine Roy October 2013


We are very excited to announce that coming in January 2014, we will begin a new program for 'I Refuse to Lose' via weekly radio program.  The program will air on 96.7 3WZ fm here in Lexington, Virginia.  We will provide all program details as soon as we have them along with an online link to the program and links to archived audio files you can listen to on-demand.


The program will address common issues everyone faces in relationships, but from the perspective of personal growth and change.  When we understand that we cannot control others, we can refocus our energy on ourselves in such a way that we regain personal strength and conviction, a positive perspective with grounded and balanced ethics.  We will learn how to put away anger, fear and frustration over the past and our circumstances, including abuse, so that healing and forgiveness open the door to peace and happiness.  This program is called 'Man in the Mirror.'



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